Warrick Dunn Charities


Inspired by our founder’s life journey, Warrick Dunn Charities, Inc. empowers families to break the cycle of generational poverty and achieve a better quality of life for all.

What We Do

  • Homes for the Holidays provides a hand up to single parents and their families. We work with affordable housing providers, and corporate and community partners to turn houses into homes by providing everything our families need, including down payment assistance, for a fresh start to homeownership.

  • Count on Your Future promotes financial empowerment by providing children, teens, and adults with tools and resources to help them with their financial futures.

  • SCULPT was designed to provide participants with valuable wellness information that can be incorporated into their everyday lives. Our SCULPT workshop series is kid-friendly and inclusive so that future generations are empowered with the tools necessary to build a healthier futures.

  • The Hearts for Community Service Scholarship program provides financial merit-based awards (scholarships) to support students who are active volunteers in their communities and are attending – or soon to be attending – a post-secondary institution.

Educational Resources and Tools

Count on your future— Warrick Dunn Charities and COUNTRY Financial are empowering you with access to online financial tools and resources available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through MMI University. Register today to get started!

Meet Our Founder, Warrick Dunn

Our Impact to Date

Get Involved

Volunteers make our mission of empowering families in need possible.


Inspired by our Founder’s life journey, Warrick Dunn Charities, Inc. empowers families to break the cycle of generational poverty and achieve a better quality of life for all.
