Cope Notes

Daily Mental Health Support

With just one text a day, you can train your brain to combat loneliness/ stress, anger, negativity, doubt, worry/panic, and more. All for less than $10/mo. 

Peer Support in Your Pocket

Daily exercises, encouragement, psychology facts, and more. Sent straight to your phone when you least expect it.  This isn't a counseling session. This isn't a therapy app. It's the best first step towards a healthier brain.

Why do we care? Because we’ve been there.

Suicide/abuse survivor Johnny Crowder knows a thing or two about the importance of mental health. But when he couldn't find a way to prioritize it on a daily basis, he decided to invent one.

Start Training Your Brain Today

By interrupting negative thought patterns with positive stimulus on a daily basis, we'll help you create a mindful practice of mental wellness.

How it Works:

Can texting really alter brain chemistry?

  • Our brain is constantly rewiring itself based on what we see, read, hear, and imagine. The more often we think a thought, the easier it is to think, the more likely we are to think it again, and so on. For better or worse, this is how habits are formed.

  • But contrary to popular belief, it can take up to 254 days for a new habit to take root. Cope Notes guarantees the consistent interruptions necessary to replace negative thought patterns with healthier ones.

Who comes up with this stuff?

Founder & CEO

As a suicide/abuse survivor, Johnny Crowder spent his formative years searching for resources to help him cope with his mental health conditions, ranging from OCD and bipolar disorder to schizophrenia.

His firsthand experience with mental illness, university-level education in psychology, and contagious positivity combine to fashion a spirit of advocacy and compassion unlike any other.

Through both music and motivational speaking, Crowder's testimony has impacted millions of lives across the globe by de-mystifying taboo psychological principles and sensitive topics with levity and wit.

After nearly a decade of clinical treatment, volunteer peer counseling, and public advocacy, Crowder now relies on the strategies he shares through Cope Notes to live a happier, healthier life than ever before.

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Other Resources:

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